Your Personal Job Application Assistant

Automatically customize your resume and apply to jobs with one click!

Automated Job Applications

Let ApplyGoat do the hard work.

Our resume customizer analyzes job descriptions and automatically tailors your resume to match. Then, we'll submit your application for you - no more tedious form filling!

ApplyGoat in action

Customized Resumes

We analyze job descriptions and automatically tailor your resume to match, ensuring you stand out from the crowd.

Automated Applications

Once your resume is ready, ApplyGoat will submit your application for you, saving you time and effort.

Application Tracking

Monitor the status of your job applications and receive notifications on your progress through our intuitive dashboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We've got answers.

What is ApplyGoat?

ApplyGoat simplifies job hunting by automatically tailoring resumes to match job descriptions. It also streamlines the application process by enabling users to apply to jobs on their behalf, eliminating the need for lengthy form filling.

How does ApplyGoat work?

ApplyGoat analyzes the job description and automatically customizes your resume to match the required skills and experience. This ensures your application stands out and increases your chances of getting noticed.

Is ApplyGoat free to use?

No it is not, but we have affordable plans. However, if you can't afford any of our plans, do send us an email at stating your case.

How accurate is ApplyGoat's resume customization?

ApplyGoat's job recommendation algorithm analyzes your skills, experience, and preferences to suggest job listings that are a perfect match for you. We strive to provide highly accurate and personalized recommendations to help you find the right opportunities.
EU Flag

Compliant with EU AI regulation


Feature Comparison

See how our app stacks up against the competition. Compare key features side-by-side to find the best solution for your needs.

Feature ApplyGoat EarnBetter Teal
Automated Oneclick Apply
Job Board Integrations
Application Tracking
Affordable Pricing
Reporting & Analytics
Security & Compliance


Choose the plan that's right for you.


Signup for the pre-launch pro plan.

$19.99 / One Time Payment
  • Unlimited resume customizations
  • Unlimited automated job application submission
  • Advanced resume analytics
  • Priority 24/7 email support


Free Forever.

$0.00 /Month
  • 5 Resume customizations per month
  • 5 Automated job application submission
  • Basic resume analytics


Unlock advanced features.

$9.99 /Month
  • Unlimited resume customizations
  • Unlimited automated job application submission
  • Advanced resume analytics
  • Priority 24/7 email support

What Our Customers Say

Listen to the stories of our satisfied users.

“ApplyGoat has been a game-changer for me. I couldn't imagine job searching without it!”
“I absolutely adore ApplyGoat. It's made my life so much easier.”
“ApplyGoat has become a staple in my job hunting routine. It's a must-have!”
“Thanks to ApplyGoat, job searching is now a breeze. Highly recommend!”
“The simplicity of ApplyGoat is what sets it apart. It's truly remarkable.”
“I finally understand the buzz around ApplyGoat. It's incredible!”
“ApplyGoat's features blew me away. It's unmatched in its capabilities.”
“I fell in love with ApplyGoat within days of using it. It's that good!”
“As a happy ApplyGoat user, I couldn't be more satisfied. It's fantastic!”
“ApplyGoat has truly changed the game for me. It's my secret weapon!”

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